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Savaje Coquito Cocktail

Savaje Recipes

Savaje Coquito Cocktail

Transport your senses to a Caribbean paradise with every sip. Introducing Savaje's signature Coquito, a harmonious blend where tradition meets luxury. This creamy concoction is a testament to refined taste, embodying the spirit of festive celebrations and intimate gatherings alike.


1 cup of Savaje Rum

1 can of condensed milk

1 can of evaporated milk

1 egg

1 teaspoon of cinnamon

Dash of nutmeg

Optional: For a more traditional Coquito feel, add half of 1/4 cup of coconut milk.

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  1. Pour the Savaje Rum, condensed milk, evaporated milk, and egg into a blender.
  2. Add the cinnamon and a dash of nutmeg.
  3. If you’re going for the traditional touch, add the coconut milk now.
  4. Blend until all the ingredients are well-mixed.
  5. Pour the mixture into a bottle or airtight container.
  6. Refrigerate and let it sit for at least 1 hour. For the best flavor infusion, leave it overnight.
  7. Serve chilled. Garnish with a sprinkle of cinnamon and some shredded coconut on top.
  8. Sip and enjoy the luxurious blend of flavors, with the unique kick of Savaje Rum! 🌟🥂 Cheers!
Now Available Online
Savaje Rum is now available for purchase online and delivering to 43 out of the 50 states.
Now Available Online
Savaje Rum is now available for purchase online and delivering to 43 out of the 50 states.

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